Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It is possible to eat chocolate without really eating chocolate.

It is possible to smear a piece of bread with chocolate, and actually get away with it.

It is possible to have a chocolate sandwich with about the same amount of nutrition as peanut butter. (I know, it may sounds gross, but you're just going to have to take my word on this one.)

It is possible to turn a chocolate milkshake into something it has never been before.

It is possible to dip a banana in chocolate and not feel overly guilty about it.

It is possible to have a delectable chocolate filled crepe without the hastle of melting any kind of chocolate.

Not only is it possible, but it's acceptable.

It's possible to have chocolate without really having chocolate. It's not chocolate. It's hazelnut.

Nutella, welcome to my life.


Rebecca said...

p.s. the 'made in the USA' nutella, I think does have chocolate in it.

Ande said...

I am glad to see Nutella is an integral part of your life, as it is mine.